English is this much

School speech
In the world of globalization as everybody simply recognizes the vitality of English it’s a must to make efficient efforts to master at least speaking proficiency, by means of making utterances for the purpose of both the speaking and written communication. For this procedure, as the learners of second language without proper regulated environment or acquisition it is expected to get to know the basic facts and fundamental practice of what the learners consist within.
Indeed, mother tongue is almost entirely different in its structure for those of Sri Lanka. It’s a little bit hard to make sure the structure patterns familiar and to bring proper understanding where to be used. And also because of the lack of communication sources available, it becomes such a task with hardship.
First of all, we should make the learners to study without scare and inspire them that English is this much and introduce simple phonetic forms to make them avoid in meeting mistakes and such this basic practice will be helpful to speak good English in the coming future.
As far as they started to speak out, simple and new things can be introduced rather overloading to their capacity. It’s good to practise the same thing again and again, but better to change the situations.
Then only the learners can be made to think in another language and then to put forward simple suggestions, logical thought later on.
For instance, if we want to instruct one to drink water without touching with lips or any other part of the mouth(தமிழில் அண்ணாந்து தண்ணீர் குடித்தல்), there are good phrases available in our mother tongue. The problem is how to engage these types of words or phrases into English. For any thoughts there is a concept. Make them understand the fact of content properly doing the thing in a slow motion, the learners will really feel such a magic from their own mouth themselves. So the result will be “Look up and drink” then. These types of exercises would make them more conscious towards English.
In our country as we do not have environment for speaking in a vast range, it cannot be expected to learn unconsciously and become a good speaker. It’s everybody’s obligation to make such an environment to fulfill the needs of the country as well as the personal needs to bargain and to share what we want and contain.
It’s recommended to follow English newspapers, BBC news, Magazines to get a good and valuable input. Without an input of raw rice how can we expect boiled one from?



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